Suzie: pandyy
when was the last time you played lol ?
and i’m not asking you because of anything
but i feel bad because i feel like you’ve been spending so much time with me
and i feel like you haven’t played for a while
so i think you should play <img alt="<3" createtime="1313026425598" framecount="7" height="12" iconset="classic" pattern="
and chill with your buddiesss
me: oh my gosh suzie
i <img alt="<3" createtime="1313026486724" framecount="58" height="12" iconset="classic" pattern=" you so much
that is so considerate of you
and it is kinda true that I haven’t played that much since we started going out
Suzie: oh nos*
since we’re going to hang out tomorrow
like all day
you can spend tonight playing LoL <img alt="<3" createtime="1313026536820" framecount="58" height="12" iconset="classic" pattern="
just make sure you go to sleep earlyish so you can wake up early for tomorrow ^-^ <
<img alt="<3" createtime="1313026561056" framecount="58" height="12" iconset="classic" pattern="
but yeah – i thought so ! i was like, wow, i’m so lucky that he vidchats with me all the time ^-^
and then i was like ….wait a minute …..
go play toniiight okayyy ?
unless your friends aren’t playing
and yo uhave no one to play with
you can hangout with me <img alt="<3" createtime="1313026607858" framecount="58" height="12" iconset="classic" pattern="