-A terrible end to a great beginning. Today is the first day of spring break and Mr.sutton slapped me with the research project from hell. 7-10 pages will be the most i’ve ever written for any project. I am definitely not looking forward to it. But i guess it’ll counterbalance me from having too much fun.
-Yesterday at the Cheesecake Factory, I witness 2 tables with 2 different types of people. One was a group of teenagers much like myself, girls and boys. The other was a group of wealthy-looking business men. I picture myself in both situations and hypothesize what they would think. The business men would probably want to go back in time and pick up chicks or do whatever teenagers do and the Teenagers probably want what the business men have. Freedom and cash. All in all, i find myself dazing off in philosophical tangents when I’m bored or just not paying attention to a conversation.
-I was driving back from my piano lesson today and this guy cut me off, so then i cut him off, and then he cut me off again. i stayed where i was after that. regardless, lets have a killer break.