-Today was cool. There were cool things that happened that made this day as great as it was. Tim has such a fun house. He’s a cool guy and it’s such a shame that he couldn’t go to the movies with us. The movie was great by the way and it didn’t suck like i thought it would. A nice blend of comedy and horror. I wanted to go do something after the movies but i don’t know why we didn’t. Anyway, i liked today. Jackie was really cool driving us to the movies. Kudos to her.
-I like driving. I get a sense of empowerment. But that’s aside from the point. I want to start drawing again. I enjoyed drawing, i don’t know why i stopped. So i’ll start doing that and i want to play more with lego’s. They are awesome. I don’t have anything to say really. I’ve got a shitload of homework to do and my life is boring. yep.