School – the stress maker.

   -I think i’ve contracted a disease. I died. My allergies are killing me and it sucks a lot. Today was cool. I mean, nothing really interesting happened. and i know i’m starting to sound like a broken record but yea, i wish something cool would happen. The talent show auditions was today. I sucked. Honest to god, i sucked. I don’t know what made it suck but it did and i feel like crap. I thought i was hosting and i knew it was too good to be true. They only wanted me to be in some skits not host it. I didn’t even get to judge. fuck. Thats ok, i’m sure i’ll host next year. i should save my ideas til then.

   -There are plans for me to buy a new car. In the beginning of the year my dad didn’t think i could get high honors all four quarters. To his dismay, i’ve pretty much done it. The bet was he’d buy me a car if i got high honors all quarters. So yea, i’m thinking of cars to get. I like Mitsubishi cars, they look cool. I mean, the lexus is cool and everything but i just don’t like driving it. It’s more for older people. i don’t know. I’m looking at the Mitsubishi Eclipse or Lancer. so year. awesome.

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