trouble in opposite world.

    -What up bitches! First off i would like to thank the people who read my xanga. You guys come here to read interesting shit that happens so i will continue to provide that benefit for you. oh and katie joe, i give you a super smile with a big thumbs up. Anyway, on with what i was going to type.

    -We have started to write screenplays for TV shows. It’s an enduring process and i’ve learned a lot of shit. For instance, the importance of chronological order and screenplay is one word. We’ve got 3 episodes written so far.
Episode 1- Pilot
Episode 2- The Gang Gets Desperate.
Episode 3- The Gang Gets a Vasectomy.

I wrote 1 and 3, will wrote 2. I really think that if we film this (we eventually will) that it will be pretty awesome. We all play ourselves in the script and since we are the Producer/writer/actors we can basically do whatever we want. BTW, when i say “We” i mean, Me, will, and robb. The main characters. we will probably need a girl. so if you are a girl, hot, and enjoy crude humor, than we would love to have you become part of the cast. No fat chicks though. Sorry, it’s a policy we got. It keeps things regulated and shit.

    -Well, other then that we thought up of “bag man”. It’s going to be my new costume. it’ll be sweet. i’m from Bagdad, my mom is a douche bag, and my favorite food is a bag of chips. i’m Bagilious. I still hate mr.gale. No matter how hard i try he always gives me a poor grade. one day i will snap and say “Fuck you mr.gale”. that would be sweet but it would also get me suspended. yea. i’m tired. later gator.

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