I shudder to write anything controversial. God knows who has access to this site.
Regardless, Here is today’s topic for discussion.
“Can you feel the love tonight?”
This was a cool song during the lion king but anywhere else, it’s just gay. ummm…a gay guy wrote it so therefore, nonetheless it is gay. Somehow i got dragged into helping Christina with it, which i thought was fine until the hole got too deep and i didn’t know what i got myself into. Here’s the deal. As of now we have me, christina, JD, Kayla, Louis, and Kirby in our little group. It’s kinda retarded cause this is christina’s thing, and she has no idea what she’s doing. She’s trying to pin it on me and shit but i’m all like “Bitch! i have my own shit to do. Fuck!” We have 3 violins, which is kinda dumb because 2 of them are playing the same thing and that would amplify anything. At least Kirby is playing the harmony parts, she’s probably the best and most important part. I’m not doing anything.
Minestrone soup makes my day.
Yea! Going to internship at my store and not do anything!
Fredric Chopin is my Favorite Composer.