The University at Albany. What a great place to be. You know, i never thought i would like it as much as i do. It’s a very interesting place. Maybe it’s just me cause i haven’t really been to any other colleges but i’m having a hell lot of fun here. I met my room mates and suite mates and they are all very cool people. A majority of the people here are black and it’s very cool cause they are very accepting people. a weird thing though. I say “i’m gay” all the time and people actually think i’m gay and it’s weird cause i’m not. And there was this one time i was mingling with a group of people and someone said something so i commented “thats gay” and there was a real gay guy right there. So some mention “dude, he’s really gay”, oh, then it was really weird. I met an indian guy who quickly became my friend. His name is junaid but i call him kumar. Everytime we walk pass a group of people i always say “hey, you want to go to white castle.” It gets a laugh like half the time. btw, i’m making ramen while i’m typing this. it’s pretty sweet. Oh, and there was party thing tonight where they try to get freshmen to meet other freshmen. I met this girl, and she’s really cool. Her name is angel, and she’s an angel. Well, thats all for today. I hope tomorrow is cool too.